Additional Resources

Consider Reiki as part of your healing process and spiritual journey.

Karen Krauss, Reiki Master Practitioner with High Vibrations Reiki offers this gentle energy healing therapy which clears energy blockages throughout your body that can occur through trauma or regular life events. By clearing these blockages through gentle touch, clients have experienced better sleep, less or no physical pain, feeling "lighter," feeling better about themselves and so many other things! Each client may experience different results and no two sessions are alike. As part of my Reiki session, I will check and balance your chakras. I also offer Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or tapping) sessions for you to learn the technique and then do it on your own whenever you need to release negative emotions. Please visit or call/text 702-544-7204 for more information, have questions answered and schedule a session.

Energy Coaching

Do you ever feel like there is something blocking your success but you cannot quite figure out what it is?

 Do you ever feel like there must be more to life?

 Are you ready to get over feeling stuck and find a way to your happiness and success?

 Then Jen Poulson might be the answer you are looking for.  I have been with Jen over a year doing both one and one as well as 2019 Year of Miracles program.  Through her guidance, I have processed feelings that I had forgotten existed in me.  I continue to grow and release and have found peace and clarity.  Not sure what your response will be, however it might be worth your while to check out her site at